If you’ve worked with WordPress for more than a single project or two, chances are you’ve come across WooCommerce in one way or another. Tapping into the beautiful core of WordPress, WooCommerce is a plugin, developed to work using the post types native to WP, adding extra fields and data to the existing database tables, as well as new ones in form of taxonomies, attachments and so forth. This is a powerful combination, designed to work with all sorts of payment providers, such as PayPal, Stripe, and many, many more. As well as offering loads and loads of extra plugins to enhance anything from user experience to shipping courier automation. Perfect eCommerce plugin. For instance, we’ve also created Incredible Planet’s theme using these principles.
WooCommerce will technically work with just about any modern WordPress theme, however the styling and attention to detail is often lacking in free themes. In this list we’ve gathered some simple free themes, as well as a bunch of premium ones to complement each other, and hopefully create a useful list for all of you, our dear visitors. With that being said, we would like to point out our free WooCommerce themes, where you might find something to use for your next project, if you don’t mind getting into CSS. If you’re looking for free WooCommerce themes, you can follow the link. For all our WooCommerce themes developed in-house, you can follow the link.
Visually stunning theme from all aspects. Potential buyers beware though; it can be difficult to consistently find images of such a high quality that this website requires in order not to detract from it’s look. With that out of the way, there’s a great deal speaking for buying this WooCommerce theme. ShopKeeper can help you create an entire brand identity by it’s website alone. If you are looking for WordPress Startup Themes, you might want to include this in your thoughts, especially if you haven’t yet narrowed down on any specific style, or logo or other graphical brand identity.
This theme is currently the most purchased WooCommerce theme on the famous market place, ThemeForest. When looking at the demo, one has to admire the craftsmanship, and the ability to blend all elements into a very flat and truly great-looking theme is no small feat. Mobile optimized with retina images and beautiful css queries that resemble that of poetry, you can be assured your products will look great with this theme.
Using the free Page Builder plugin found on the WP repository, Kallyas provides a broad package to be used for many different projects. This is one of those WordPress themes you as a webdeveloper would do good in learning how to work with, and then never look at another theme again! This is a general practice I recommend, but with this theme you can really create any type of layout you so desire.
This WooCommerce and or Jigoshop compatible WordPress Theme has infinite customization options in the form of layouts, colors, sections, widgets and skins. Mayashop provides shortcodes and custom widgets, as well as widescreen and narrow-screen views. More than 40 default backgrounds come with this theme and eight default sliders as well as google fonts and more. Packed with goodies, if you like how it looks, you’ll love how it works!
Comes with Visual Composer, a premium plugin that creates virtually any type of layout directly in your page/post WordPress editor, as well as seperately in it’s own custom plugin area. Utilizing this you can create a vast range of different websites using the same theme.
Many themes are integrating WooCommerce, but BazarShop truly built with WooCommerce rather than around it. Uniquely this theme utilizes specialized checkout pages, zoom effect as standard on products, catalog mode that disables prices on the frontend, as well as your choice of slider (including 2 premium ones) and a popup plugin for opt ins.
We imagine this design to work best with businesses that take their own product photos. Dependent on images for this WooCommerce theme to work, you might be hard pressed to actually use this practically. But if you can, Neighborhood comes with amazing features and a very minimalistic theme in the very best meaning of the word.
This is one of those themes that just get it right. Huge featured images, or small thumbnails on the homepage? Whatever type of style you are leaning to, make it the best it can be with Legenda. Any WooCommerce store will look ultimate with this theme from EightTheme, one of the more established WP developers out there.
There’s plenty of Photographer portfolio themes out there for the hobbyists and intermediates, but what to do when you have photographs that people want to buy also? This theme also works great for Art Galleries as well as Showcases for app and website developers. Integrated with WooCommerce, you can take full advantage of your own images, and WordPress’ core functionality.
No wonder this theme is selling like hot cakes. Every major plugin is compatible or even built-into Blaszok. bbPress makes awesome forum sites, BuddyPress Themes makes great community sites, and WooCommerce makes awesome ecommerce pages. Together with Visual Composer and or Page Builder, you have the choice on what plugins to use with Blaszok, one of the hottest themes of 2014.
With a quirky name, but beautiful code, this theme has deserved it’s spot as the #10 best selling theme on themeforest in the eCommerce section. Create any type of store and reap the benefits of having a mobile ready, responsive, seo optimized website with full customization options as well as unlimited colors and more than 50 custom backgrounds!