The challenge for any website owner is to ensure that when people search for a product or service in your niche, they notice you and not others. To do this, site owners usually follow an illusively simple technique. They recognize how people are hunting for their service, build links, and optimize pages so that Google can locate, acknowledge and trust them. The purpose of making all this effort is to attract more organic traffic to their site.
I know the process sounds straightforward and effortless. But sadly, it isn’t. Imagine you’ve invested your time and energy to fulfill all the search engine requirements, but somehow failed to rank higher on it.
The purpose of this post is to create awareness amongst online entrepreneurs and blog owners that there’s plenty you can do increase organic traffic to your site and that too without spending an extra penny to build links, adding more content or making any changes to your current site framework.
Subjugate Your Competitors
Keeping an eye on the current competition is one of the best ways to outperform in your field. It’s not only a successful business tactic but can do wonders if applied appropriately in the SEO structure. Especially look out for fairly noncompetitive opponents trying to make progress in your field of specialization.
To begin this, you’ve to conduct an in-depth market survey to list out all the neighboring territories offering somewhat similar product or services as yours. Once you’ve assembled your list, you can now conduct a basic keyword research, and assess the pages ranking well on search engines.
Make sure to inspect their DAs, search volumes, the caliber of their content and the limit to which they’ve perfected basic optimization. Now make a strategy that how could you outperform their progress.
Conduct a SWOT analysis for your business and make use of it by highlighting your strengths, fixing your weaknesses, catching hold of opportunities and conquering threats.
There is no denying the fact that risk-taking leads to greater opportunities; however, it’s still important to reduce the risk factor by starting with a basic feasible version. For instance, maybe a single landing page or white-labeled product to start-off. If it shows improvement, you can proceed further.
The objective is to outplay contenders trying to take a lead in your space. Have faith that you can do this by spreading your services, and offering reliable user experiences in the relevant areas. After all, you’ve already created a credible brand, a strong portfolio and a robust website, which audiences are already focusing on.
Play Trump Card
Subject to your vertical, there could be an untried opportunity among potential buyers who don’t recognize or feel complacent with the product or service. For instance, if you sell mobiles, a lot of buyers may be hesitant of purchasing a mobile online or let’s say they always buy such things after consulting professionals. Well, in that case, they might prefer investing in a cheaper product to minimize risk or would rather avoid making an online purchase on the whole.
To cope with this situation, you need to introduce attractive and dependable deals that immediately grab your visitors’ attention and persuade them to invest into your product. Adding a page that includes ‘Best phones under $300’ or ‘Best Smartphones under $400’ deals could convince site visitors to spend more. Just make sure that these pages give the impression of basic feature contrast and don’t look too salty.
Besides adding such pages, you can also include useful buying guides and tutorials that will encourage potential customers to trust your products and spend their hard-earned money online. Keep in Mind, if you can make your potential buyers feel safe and protected, you might be able to switch their buying behavior.
Use Social Media
If you’re really serious about getting organic traffic to your site, social media is your safest bid. Just make sure to share your content in a proper way to drive the highest boost in traffic.
Build your online presence on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+ to enhance your visibility and engage more audience.
How to Share your Content to Get More Traffic?
- Customized Optimization for Each Site
Here you have to make use of your researching skills to find out the personalized criterion for each social media platform. Facebook, for instance, requires you to include an HQ image, a proper description having at least 80+ words and an engaging description beneath the image. Similarly, you’ve to figure out prerequisites for each podium. Make sure to optimize your posts accordingly to enjoy a higher number of shares, increased engagement and of course more traffic.
- Prepare a Sharing Plan
Outlining a content sharing schedule is a great idea as it will help you become more organized. The motive is to avoid under-sharing or over-sharing on social media as it may do more harm than good.
- Avoid Spamming
Never ever repost your content again and again on your social media pages as it will reduce your reader’s interest. If you ask me, a good blend of blog posts and videos, informative content from external influencers and sharing other thought-provoking statuses can make all the difference.
- Add ‘Share’ Tab to Your Site
Don’t forget to include a ‘Share’ button on your site as it will enable readers to share out their favorite content right away from your site.
Make Your Account on Quora
Okay, so this one’s the simplest yet most effective step that can help you enjoy increased organic traffic without actually making much effort. The process is quite simple: people post their questions, and you’ve to reply them back with appropriate and useful answers along with suitable links back to your website. If you’re a pro in your field and know your work, believe me, you can receive an immense breakthrough in traffic.
Getting Started with Quora
- Type quora.com and create an account
- Develop and optimize your bio (include a few sentences about you, your work, experience, and passions)
- Choose suitable categories
- Hunt for great questions (pay close attention to correct grammar, industry relevance, etc.)
- Post compelling answers (make use of correct grammar and appropriate formatting, add relevant details and stories, include suitable links back to your page)
Conduct a Content Audit to Track Your Progress
It’s not always about the amount of content you’ve placed on your site or the keywords you’ve stuffed into your write-ups to make them more visible to the search engines. It’s more about adding relevant content to your site that attracts your readers and compels them to come back for more.
One of the ways to analyze the performance of your site and to get rid of redundant and useless content is to conduct a content audit of your website. For this, you can either opt for a good-quality SEO Audit Tool or can also hire services of professional SEO to do this for you.
Keep in Mind, ‘Quality is the new SEO’. Content audit not only improves rankings but also help you identify the problem areas that need your attention.
Optimize for Your Buyer Personas
One thing that you should pay attention to is to understand that your objective isn’t to persuade search engines alone. Knowing your target market can help you curate the most relevant content that will naturally improve the SEO of your site.
To achieve this, you first need to write down your buyer personas. By doing so will help you know exactly to whom you’re conveying your content. Once you know your target audience, it’s time now to conduct a keyword research based on your consumer’s interest and the words/phrases they use in search inquiries. Remember, optimizing for search engines only is worthless and impractical and will result in nothing but keyword-perforated nonsense only.
Trigger Excitement
Engage your potential consumers emotionally or socially with your brand. There is always a group of enthusiasts who’re more interested in your content than anything else. I personally would like to visit those sites frequently that display something of my interest on their social media pages. Try to add something of value for your buyers and you’ll witness them coming over and over again.
Republish Your Content on High-Authority Websites
Getting your valuable content in front of new readers can help you get more traffic to your site. You can do this by republishing your useful content on large publications and websites. This is perfect because you won’t need to spend heaps of time and energy writing plenty of guest posts each month.
We all have heard the myth that republishing your content is harmful to SEO. But, the fact is it isn’t. Even Matthew Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s Webspam team knocked out this delusion. According to him, there is no harm in republishing your content if it’s free from spam or not crammed with keywords.
How to Get your Content Republished on High-Authority Sites?
- Step -1: Look out for all the large publications in your niche that offers republishing option
Big publications usually have massive content requirements. So, if they offer republishing option, and you hold valuable and appropriate content, then you may definitely have a good chance. To begin with, find 7-8 large publications in your area and let’s get started.
- Step – 2: Select Appropriate Content
What kind of content is the site looking for? Flip through your files to see which one of your content pieces correlate with the prerequisites. In case you don’t have any material that matches up the requirements, you can adjust it to make a perfect fit.
- Step – 3: Submit Your Proposal
Once you have all the relevant details in hand, it’s time now to pitch the publication. The best way to do this is to submit your authentic content pieces first, so you can have an opportunity before pitching material from your page.
- Step – 4: Make Your Content Ready
Once your proposal gets approval, start working on the content you’re planning to get republished. Assess and follow all the republishing rules mentioned on the site. Make sure to incorporate at least 2-3 backlinks to your posts and don’t forget to change the title, so that search engine doesn’t get puzzled while ranking your post.
By following this approach, you can get 3-5 posts republished every month and that too without investing any additional money or spending extra hours. And, you’ll be surprised to see the traffic inflow.
Final Words
In conclusion, to boost organic traffic all you need to do is to give your buyers what they want. Follow the above-mentioned steps and you will soon notice a substantial hike in your traffic without thinking much about search engine rankings.
How do you go about attracting demand in your industry? What mechanism works for you? Please leave your feedback in the comments section below.