SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of getting traffic on a website via search engines due to ranking in the top of the search results on keywords relevant to the site.
Whenever users enter a query on search engine then he/she will get a list of search results. Some of the sites come on first or second rank while others not; 93% of the users usually click on the top three websites. Because of these, others websites gain less traffic. When a proper method or technique is used, then it is not difficult to hit the target audience or to increase the rank of site.
Are you having trouble attracting audience to your site? Don’t worry I will introduce you to some proper techniques and tactics to increase the traffic on your site.
Short URL:
This is the first step users usually love the URL that is short and easy to understand. A well-designed URL provides both human and search engine a proper implication of what the target page will be about. It will give audience best user experience by making it clear that what they’ll see if they click on the link.
Don’t use ID or numbers in your URL instead of this use proper words that increase the number of users on your site. It is best idea to include keywords in your URL; it helps in improving your site visibility.
Use lowercase letters in your URL to avoid duplicity of content. Use hyphens to separate the words in your URL, avoid spaces, underscore, and percentage. For instance, use URL like (http://www.domain.com/digital-marketing-jobs ) Domain/category/keyword and ignore URL like https://domain.com/cat/?cid=7078.
Use of LSI keyword:
It is best practice to use LSI (Latent semantic indexing keywords) in your content. As it is also very difficult for the search engines to determine what the page is all about, but LSI makes it easy for the search engines to understand the relevancy of an article/blog or web page.
You can easily find LSI keywords there are so many tools available for this but you can also see it in Google search itself, whenever you enter a query google will show you some relevant keywords or you can also check at the end of the SERP.
For instance, if a website is used a keyword apple then it is difficult for the search engine to determine whether it is used for “brand” “fruit” or “name” but if it includes words like “camera” “memory” then it gives search engine the best hint that the page is about apple brand.
Use of Multimedia: (More Multimedia= More views)
An image can say thousands of words. It is better for you to use good quality multimedia in your content. Users love to read the content with images it gives them a better idea about your content; not only users but also search engines love to read the content that contains different multimedia.
It doesn’t matter how brilliant you write big sections of text on its own can be quite dull. So, it is better practice to add some multimedia in your content to grab the attention of the audience. You can use Audio, video, images to increase the value of your article or blog.
Meta Tags:
Meta tags describe the page content; the Meta tag doesn’t appear on the page itself but only in the page code. There are four major Meta tags “title” “Description” or “Keywords” “robots”. It is very necessary to use Meta tags carefully and because it improves search engine ranking. Always keep in mind the limits of the character used in Meta tags.
Longer Content:
According to research user love to read longer/Average content. Long form content generates more backlinks and provides more information to users. Always try to generate content more than of 1000 words or around 1200 to 1500 words. Include everything in your content that is useful for the readers, think from the user point of view then start writing your blog/article. Long form content ranks very well and user stays on your site longer. But don’t compromises with the quality of content always generate unique and quality content.
Internal linking:
Whenever you publish a long piece of content then it is beneficial to add 2-5 internal links of your site that you want to rank higher on search results. Internal links are more useful for site architecture and give you more link juice. It is beneficial from SEO point of view whenever a spider comes to your site content and found any link then it has reached to those pages also through that link.
As SEO is a major ranking factor and every business needs to implement proper SEO techniques for high rank on different search engines. There are so many SEO jobs available right now because the market is not filled.