Learning how to dance in Sydney can initially seem like a daunting task as it is often something that people do not attempt at any stage in their life (apart from maybe in preparation for their wedding). However, it can all be a bit of fun and may even be a great way to meet people.
At the very least, it provides a small bit of exercise to an otherwise ordinary day. There are advantages in both men and women taking up lessons and, often, it is more than just trying to impress the opposite sex.
Why men should take lessons
It may seem like a bit of a cliché that men can’t dance, however there is likely a very good reason for that – they’re never taught how to. Dancing is certainly not a skill that can be picked up after seeing ‘Grease’ or ‘High School Musical’, it needs to be taught. So men, get your dancing shoes on.
1. It improves coordination
Dancing improves coordination, especially of the feet which often move in a completely different step to the rest of the body. Learning to move properly will help men stay lighter on their feet and gain a better overall control of their body – actually making them stronger!
2. It’s a great way to meet people
Going to dance classes is a great way to meet people and the best part is they likely don’t know how to move either. Whether it’s just making friends or potentially making more than friends, meeting new people is a great way to expand your current world and see what’s out there.
Dancing classes take the awkwardness out of meeting new people because immediately there is a connection through the music and the lack of coordination between the pair makes for a good laugh.
3. Women love it
If you can master the dancing, you might just be able to master the ladies too. Whilst this is similar to the meeting new people part, there is also the opportunity to impress outside of classes.
Now, of course there is no expecting that the routines learnt in class will be able to be replicated at a bar of club, but gaining a greater feel for music and an appreciation for dancing will aid in a more impromptu version when out.
Why women should take lessons
Whilst women do seem to have a greater tendency towards being able to dance, it is still unlikely that they have ever had proper lessons besides maybe doing ballet at the age of 3. Women taking classes is more about investing in themselves than anything else and they are a great way to get out with friends that doesn’t involve ordering overpriced cocktails.
1. Break the routine
This is a great one for not only increasing self-confidence but also impressing that guy is always asking you to boogie with him at a friend’s party.
Sometimes it can be seen as embarrassing not knowing how to move properly and learning how to dance in Sydney will help break that routine of finding the bathroom every time someone asks you to have a boogie with them. (And they won’t say so, but men like women who can dance just as much as it is the other way around.)
2. Get a dancer’s body
Dancing is a workout and it’s a great way to stay fit, especially when it comes to the end of a long and busy work day. It’s a fun way of participating in exercise that combines both strength and cardio so you don’t need to worry about going to the gym afterwards. Taking classes, in this way, kills two birds with one stone.
3. Set it free/Invest in you
Learning a new skill puts the focus on you and is a great way of investing in yourself both in a physical sense and an emotional one. It is a great way to let go all of all the days or weeks stresses and just have fun. It also makes the women feel special as they are led around the ballroom by a man. And, as mentioned before, it might be just the place to find the right guy.
Overall, learning how to dance in Sydney is a fun way to exercise and change up the standard routine of going out to drinks, walking on the treadmill at the gym or sitting in and watching a movie. Taking classes allow you to meet new people and let go of the stresses of work in a way that is about the individual as much as it is others.