Web design trends are always changing throughout the years. In the early days of the internet, you needed to have flashy custom graphics that would gain the attention of visitors. Nowadays with all of the websites out there, it can be tough to stand out and gain real search engine traffic. A good content marketing strategy will help your brand rise in the search engine results page. You need your company to stand out on social media with consistent and professional branding.
Business owners are often weary of having to re-design their website for several reasons. The two biggest issues are often the fear of price, and fear of losing current website traffic. There are several agencies that offer various price points for web design services, so shop around until you find one that’s within your budget. You won’t lose much traffic with a new website design, and a fully optimized website will likely help you increase your rankings over time.
A new web design should be viewed as a business investment.
Consider this – Your website exists to make money, right ? But if your site isn’t converting any visitors, there could be several reasons as to why.
It could be loading too slow
The average user expects your website to load in under three seconds. If your website is full of poorly optimized images, your loading times will push users away from your page. You can reduce file sizes in order to ensure they load faster. You should also make sure you host your website with a reliable hosting company.
No Call-to-Actions
One reason people may not be contacting you is because your website isn’t telling them to. You want to make sure each landing page has a clear CTA that grabs the users attention with an offer they can’t resist. This can be accomplished by offering something of value, such as a free consultation or access to an e-book. These are some easy ways to collect e-mails and start marketing your services.
Not optimized for mobile
If your website isn’t optimized for multiple formats, such as tablets and mobile phones, you could be missing out on a large chunk of traffic. It’s never been easier to perform a search on mobile phones, which is why the number of searches taking place is always on the rise. If your website is running to different formats (Ex: newyork.com and mobile.newyork.com), Google would consider this duplicate content.
A website that is built with conversions in mind will help you accomplish the goals of your website, whether it’s to sell a product or service, or to collect sign-ups for an event.
Here are some things you should look for when choosing the right graphic design agency to partner with.
A good web design company will have a portfolio of work from previous clients. You can refer to this artwork to get an idea of the quality of work you can expect for your own business. Find a graphic designer that can convey the brand messaging you’re aiming to achieve.
A good design agency will offer some sort of consulting before partnering up. Many amateur designers will accept your money without understanding the full scope of your project. This can lead to disastrous low quality graphics that can do more harm than good for your brand image.
Avoid hiring anyone that doesn’t have any reviews and testimonials on reputable platforms such as Yelp and Facebook. Be cautious for fake reviews as well, as this could be a sign of a dishonest business.
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